Friday, 16 February 2007

Reflections on Non-Violent Power

Been on a workshop today about rank and privilege which I think connects to what we were exploring last Saturday.

Basic idea can be summarised as - we have rank and privilege because of social rank (gender, race, class etc), our positional rank (job, profession etc) and our psychological rank (how well we feel supported internally).

Rank is also dependent on context - eg as a newcomer to a group you'll have less rank (from one perspective) than others who have been in the group for a while.

The connection to conflict and NV, is that if rank is not brought to awareness (both of power over, power under) then it makes it harder to resolve conflicts.

It all is more complex than this, but suggest you look at Arlene and John-Claude Audergon's website for direction to more on this, as their the people who led the workshop. And much of this thinking (and ways to explore) are contained in the book, Sitting in the Fire by Arnold Mindell.

Human rights in Papua: SOAS Thursday 22 Feb

Hello tide turners - i would like to invite you to a talk i am organising with Peace Brigades international on Thurs 22nd 7pm at SOAS university, just around the corner from friends house, Details below.......
hope to see some of you there, Luke
(and same from Kathryn, as she will be translating)

A unique chance to hear directly from a Papuan human rights defender
SOAS Russel Square, Room G52
Thursday 22nd February 7-9pm

Key Speakers include
Peneas Lokbere is a member of the Indonesian Legal and Human Rights Association and head of the community of survivors of the Abepura case of the 7th December 2000. On this day The police responded to an attack on a police station by rounding up and brutally beating 23. Within 24 hours 3 students had been killed and 100 people had been both beaten and tortured detained. The Abepura case of 2000 is the only human rights case to be brought to the Indonesian permanent court of Human Rights. However, the case was dismissed and nobody involved has been convicted. The survivors still struggle against this impunity and for justice.

Peneas Lokbere stated, "I hope truth will be revealed, and may justice [be] outpoured to people who are right."

Peace Brigades International (PBI) provides accompaniment to Peneas Lokbere. PBI is an international organisation that provides non violent protective accompaniment to human rights defenders. PBI’s international presence is backed up by a network of support from MPs, organisations and individuals.

Don’t miss our on this rare opportunity! For more details and confirmation of a place contact
Lani Parker on 020 7 2815370 or Luke Tanner 07866861631

Monday, 12 February 2007

learning to turn the tide

This blog is born of a series of workshops in non-violence change, run by Turning the Tide once a month throughout 2007. The authors are all participants of these workshops.