Monday 23 July 2007

Sat 4 August - the group's workshop

Since we do not have a workshop scheduled for Sat 4 August, at the July session we agreed that the year group could use this as an opportunity to reflect on the series so far, our own skills and experience as facilitators, and the input we might like to have in future sessions. Kathryn, Carl and Rachel offered to coordinate the workshop, so here is a tentative plan.

to explore and develop our skills as facilitators of active non-violence workshops through peer teaching (sharing, mentoring and being mentored).

tentative agenda


homework groups/discussion

our facilitation styles (indiv, in pairs)

facilitation tools - go rounds, small groups, jig saw, puzzles, different coloured thinking hats, world cafe etc (sharing/discussion)

crumple buttons (what to do when things go wrong)

building good workshops, including what makes a good agenda? (building a model from group brainstorm)

reviewing the TTT course to date including feedback from TTT mid term evaluation

what to do in the future with TTT?



Attending: Carl, Zaria, Denise (?), Helen G, Kathryn, Rachel
Not attending: Mary Lou, Helen D
Venue: still to be decided (depends in part on numbers)

We really need feedback, particularly on whether you can a) attend b) facilitate any of it and c) what you would bring for lunch (so we don't have lots of pots of humous). If you are member of the TTT year group, could you comment on this post, or email Kathryn, with your responses to a) (even if you are not coming), b) and c), as well as any other comments have. Thanks!

1 comment:

Eric the Red said...

Kathryn, thanks for posting this. I'm happy to help those who want to facilitate future TTT meetings (as per Steve Whiting's suggestion), but perhaps not run them, as I don't need the practice.

And I'm happy to provide resources for people who want to learn/develop the art of facilitation - either with materials and/or mentoring.

For those of you going to Climate Camp (14th August for a week) there is a tranquility working group on using conflict resolution and a working group that's doing/providing facilitators. See And for cyclists there's a ride to the camp on the 14th.

See you and you all soon.